Submitted by: Maarten Moen
Juzwiak CR, Amancio OMS, Vitalle MSS, Pinheiro MM, Szejnfeld VL
Several studies evaluating nutritional aspects in young athletes noted energy and nutrient intake below recommended levels. In the tennis field these kind of studies have not yet been conducted amongst adolescents.
Research question/s:
Are assessed energy expenditure and intake during tennis training and the amount of macro- and micronutrients according to current recommendations?
Subjects: 44 Brazilian male adolescent tennis players, playing tennis at least five hours per week. 17 players were aged between 10-13 years and 27 between 14-18 years.
Experimental procedure: A non-consecutive 4-day dietary record was taken. Portions were recorded and were discussed with a nutritionist. Energy, macronutrients, fibres, vitamins B1, B2, B6, B12, C, E, niacin, folic acid, calcium,
magnesium, iron, phosphorus, potassium, zinc and sodium intake were evaluated. Also body mass index and fat percentage were measured.
Measure of outcome: Percentages of intake compared to recommended amount of energy and macro- and micronutrients.
Main finding/s:
Graph 1: Percentages of intake compared to recommended amount macro- and micronutrients (a selection)

The black line denotes the recommended amount of intake (100%). BMI was classified as adequate in 89% of the boys. 32% of the boys had an energy deficit, while 45% had excess energy intake. 80% of the boys derived too much of their energy expenditure from fat.
Most of the boys had adequate body composition, despite of the excessive fat intake. The micronutrient intake was mostly adequate, although fibre, calcium and potassium intake was insufficient.